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geographical database access

Here you can find out easily the sites and assembly plants of O.E.M. and Tier1 suppliers in the European countries and regions.

selected map section:
Europe / EU
Europe / EU
E-France / SW-Germany
E-France / SW-Germany

Manufacturer Manufacturer
Tier1 Tier1
Assembly Plant Assembly Plant


Renault BatillySmart HambachPeugeot/Citroen MulhousePeugeot/Citroen SochauxAudi NeckarsulmMercedes RastattOpel RüsselsheimFord SaarlouisMercedes SindelfingenPorsche ZuffenhausenDrauz HeilbronnBugatti MolsheimFaurecia AudincourtPeguform BurnhauptJohnson Controls CreutzwaldFaurecia EtupesFaurecia St Michel sur MeurtheJohnson Controls Bad FriedrichshallJohnson Controls BöblingenPeguform BötzingenLear GustavsburgFaurecia NufringenJohnson Controls RastattPeguform RastattJohnson Controls UnterriexingenFaurecia WörthCollins & Aikman HeidelbergCollins & Aikman LambrechtDräxlmeier BruchsalGrupo Antolin Rupt-sur-MoselleGrupo Antolin SaarlouisGrupo Antolin FellbachRecticel UnterriexingenSeeber WormsSeeber Gernsbach