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geographical database access

Here you can find out easily the sites and assembly plants of O.E.M. and Tier1 suppliers in the European countries and regions.

selected map section:
Europe / EU
Europe / EU
Central France
Central France

Manufacturer Manufacturer
Tier1 Tier1
Assembly Plant Assembly Plant


Peugeot/Citroen Aulnay-sous-BoisAlpine/Renault DieppeRenault FlinsPeugeot/Citroen PoissyCitroen/Peugeot Rennes-la-JanaisMatra RomorantinRenault/Nissan SandouvilleHeuliez CerizayVisteon Blanville sur OrneVisteon FlinsVisteon Noyal Châtillon sur SeicheFaurecia SandouvilleFaurecia Bains-sur-OustJohnson Controls ConflansFaurecia CrevinFaurecia EvreuxFaurecia MeruLear OffranvillePeguform PouanceCitroen Paris JavelGrupo Antolin SandouvilleRecticel Trilport